Why ECP is Exciting

  • Alongside an academic education we provide a wide range of activities
  • Extra-curricular activities increase appeal when applying to international universities
  • Art, debating, sports, DofE Award, theatre, language clubs and more
  • We have introduced the CARITAS programme, which includes charity work and volunteering
  • An emphasis on pastoral care is fundamental to the life of the College

We care more – Pastoral Care

Students achieve most when they feel happy, secure and cared for. Our pastoral care is therefore central to the success of the College and our students.

  • Each student is under the overall care of a personal Tutor
  • Each student is a member of one of our four Houses, which are led by our Senior Tutors
  • Each Senior Tutor oversees the pastoral welfare of the students in their House for the entire time our students are at the College
  • Within the College many competitions are organised on a House basis and each year, four trophies are presented to the winning House, based academic, sporting and cultural achievements over the whole year


Building a culture of wellbeing at ECP

In very broad terms, wellbeing can be described as the quality of a person’s life. Wellbeing needs to be considered in relation to how we feel and function across several areas, including our cognitive, emotional, social, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

We have decided to approach wellbeing in an organised way in response to the pandemic, stronger requirements in UK legislation and also as a clear trend in international education.

We have introduced programmes for teachers, employees and students including organising wellbeing groups, satisfaction and feedback surveys, development of a wellbeing section on the intranet, increasing visibility of wellbeing, wellbeing webinars for students and parents, Mental Health First Aid and building new relationships with outside experts.

As is typical in many British schools, the College is divided into four Houses representing the four elements of Life or VITA:

Pastoral Care

Senior Tutors

  • Read More
    Glenn BleaksSenior Tutor - Aqua, Head of French, Teacher of TOK

    Glenn Bleakstall

    “Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water - it will make ripples throughout the entire pond…” Jessy and Bryan Matteo

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    David WyllyamsSenior Tutor - Ignis, Head of Economics

    David Wyllyamstall

    Ignis is the god of fire, known for his young and light-hearted nature. He is joyful and loves to play but also has a warriorlike side. Among the gods he is a strong fighter and those who follow him never falter in battle for they have the fiery god at their side.

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    Helen SartainSenior Tutor - Terra, Head of PSME, Teacher of Mathematics

    Helen Sartaintall

    Terra students aren’t ‘Born to Follow’ (Bon Jovi), but are independent, creative, empathic and are ready with the skills, desire and drive to change things for themselves and in the wider community and world for the better.

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    Nicolas Hill,Director of Upper School; History

    Nicolas Hill,tall

    Pastoral care is central to our work at ECP - everything depends on it. In Ventus we try to make sure that the pastoral needs of all our students are met, and that we take an active, light-hearted but serious approach to all the house competitions and activities.

The :more programme – real life experiences


Do you want to Enjoy your life more?  Do you want to Fulfill your life moreDo you want to get life inspiration to Aspire more?


Explore the root system of our :more programme tree and see how our students become:Inquirers, Thinkers, Communicators and Risk-Takers.


Explore how the :more programme helps students to be: Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Balanced and of course Knowledgeable!


Click the tree to explore our :more programme and see the Real Life Experiences it provides.

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