We warmly invite you to a charity concert and auction in support of the Václav Havel Scholarship. The event will take place on March 15th, starting at 6:00 pm, at the Dominican Monastery and is expected to last approximately 90 minutes. You can look forward to performances by our students, Roma musicians, and some refreshments. During the evening, we will also announce the winners of the Three Times WHAT! art competition organised for students of Czech primary schools.
The ticket prices are 200 CZK for ECP students and 250 CZK for adults. It will also be possible to buy the tickets at the venue.
The purpose of this beautiful evening is to break down prejudices and support the idea that we are all human and it’s wonderful to help each other. Therefore, all raised funds will go towards covering the scholarship for a Roma student. We already have a second Romani scholar, and we truly hope that there will be more in the future.
In the auction, you can purchase items such as a book signed by Prince Schwarzenberg, luxury items by Mrs. Klett, and many other interesting items. We are grateful to all parents who have donated a variety of items for the auction. In the attachment you can find a presentation of all auction items.
Here is a link to the Vaclav Havel Scholarship website.