Our Faculties
The English College in Prague has seven academic Faculties
All subjects belong to a Faculty, led by a Head of Faculty (HoF)
The HoFs work closely with Senior Leadership on our academic programme
- More InformationCzech
- More InformationEnglish
- More InformationMaths
- More InformationSciences
- More InformationModern Foreign Languages
- More InformationHumanities
- More InformationArts & Sport
- More InformationThe Lord Holme Library
Studying at ECP means an international education that is rooted in local culture and tradition, expressed on a daily basis by the academic study of Czech language and literature. Works are analysed and studied in a broader context of literary and national history and through reading and understanding them we try to enhance students’ appreciation of different societies, including their own.
Non-native Czech speakers study the language at level appropriate to their needs, so they too can can better understand and appreciate the country around them. We are interested in students’ opinions, which they should be able to phrase well, present and defend by using arguments in the language. There is the opportunity to study a range of qualifications, including IB, Maturita, and Common European Framework levels.
Whether teaching native or non-native speakers, our overarching goal is to enable each student to develop their knowledge of and skills in the English language and to encourage a lifelong enjoyment of reading, as well as the confident use of the language on a daily basis. Through the skills of analysing literary and non-literary texts our students become familiar with the use of English in wide-ranging contexts and acquire a solid grounding in academic english and the ability to produce well-crafted written texts for a variety of purposes and audiences.
We offer comprehensive English support to all our non-native speakers, assessing their needs when they join the school and supporting them throughout their years at ECP. All subjects taught in English contain an element of language teaching, as vocabulary is introduced, definitions explained, and the usage of terminology put into context. Out students learn to use English with subtlety, accuracy and humour, as well as technical proficiency.

At ECP we blend the traditional styles of learning mathematics with a more interactive approach, utilising group activities, investigations, relays, matching activities, challenges, puzzles and other tasks, which offer the students the opportunity to discover and apply rules for themselves. Student feedback is based on their progress in the application of skills, with the emphasis being on personal reflection and improvement, rather than conventional grades and levels.
We appreciate that our students come from a wide range of different schools, and with a wide range of experiences in the subjects, so our first two years are designed to make sure that all students have the vocabulary to access the subject, and a solid foundation of mathematical and problem solving skills; the following IGCSE and IB courses provide a rigorous academic programme capable of challenging even the most able mathematician.
Science develops students as scientifically literate inquirers who are able to think critically and creatively to solve problems, evaluate evidence and make decisions. We engage and inspire students by showing how the understanding of many contemporary issues requires a grasp of fundamental scientific ideas, as well as encouraging a love of the intertwined academic disciplines in their own right.
There is a strong emphasis on practical work, the acquisition and development of thinking skills, and learning through discovery coupled with academic rigour. We firmly believe that showing is better than telling and doing is better than showing. Practical work is carried out in our recently refurbished laboratories, and Computer Science is taught in a dedicated computer lab.
Modern Foreign Languages
The Modern Foreign Languages Faculty comprises four languages:
German (Years 1 – 6)
French (Years 1- 6)
Spanish (Years 2 – 6)
Russian (Years 3 – 6)
In Year 4 we enter students for the Common European Framework of Languages examinations (CEF), which give them a qualification that is recognised the world over. In the IB programme students usually continue with their current foreign language, but sometimes there is the chance to start a new one ab initio.
We use a range of teaching styles to excite and engage our students, not only in the language but its associated cultures. There are annual trips and exchanges that provide opportunities to experience immersion in the target language as well as to make new friends and share experiences; for many students this is one of the highlights of their time at ECP.
Humanities subjects at ECP allow students to develop their knowledge of their own culture and history as well as having a broad international perspective. Our younger students are taught the key skills to prepare them for the challenges of IB, including how to investigate, analyse and evaluate complex concepts in society and history. We give all students the chance to develop their written and presentational skills, as well as expressing themselves creatively. At IB we offer a wide range of subjects: Philosophy, Economics, Psychology as well as History and Geography.
There are many trips that extend learning beyond the classroom such as visits to areas of historical and cultural importance in the Czech Republic and beyond. Over the past few years, our historians have visited Vienna, Moscow and Berlin as well as having the opportunity to hear influential speakers and thinkers at conferences in Prague.
Arts & Sport
Look at the regularly updated ECP Arts Blog with all the activities at https://arts.englishcollege.cz/.
Art is a thriving subject at ECP, and is not confined to art lessons. Our walls are an ever-evolving gallery of student creativity, and the IB Art Exhibition is one of the highlights of the school calendar. Our Art & Design Department supports the development of individual creativity within a structured framework including workshops, gallery visits and yearly art trips to cultural centres such as Venice, Rome, Paris, Amsterdam and Vienna. Extra-curricular activities provided by Art staff and visiting artists/designers range from traditional crafts such as ceramics and photography, to the latest fusion of art and technology that is 3D printing.
Physical Education at ECP is also about teamwork, camaraderie, competition, sportsmanship and respecting teammates and opponents alike. There are regular competitions between the Houses, as well as against teams from other schools, where ECP are known for playing with heart and determination. The annual Sports Day involves the whole school community, including members of the graduating year who, although they have now left the school, return to lead their House teams into battle for one last time.
In Drama students the basic technical skills of stagecraft and have the opportunity to develop in areas like improvisation leading ultimately to devising their own work. There are regular ECP productions, staged at theatres throughout Prague. We value the experiences ours students get from performing to audiences, utilising the same spaces and facilities are professional actors. Music is also focused on performance, with ECP’s musicians appearing regularly at school events
During summer 2020, the Lord Holme Library underwent a massive reconstruction with the aim of creating a space that was tailored more effectively to meeting the needs of our students. Earlier in the year, students and teachers had been consulted about their ideas for developing the library to create a resource to house our extensive collection of books and to provide a flexible space that would support both quiet study and collaborative learning. Initial design ideas were then drawn up by former student, Sibel Rhea.
The walls separating the library office, textbook store and classroom were removed and a new space was created which is light and airy; giving more room for a quiet reading room and to house our collection of over 10,000 books. New carpets, lighting and furniture completed the look and finally, at the end of August, books were put back on the shelves and our new library took shape.
The excitement of new students visiting the library for the first time, and the enthusiasm of old students returning to this new space, was wonderful to see. One student recently remarked, “This is my favourite place to be in the whole school!” – and that was certainly our intention. We hope that this new space will encourage more students to use the library and to develop a life-long love for both reading and learning.
The newly refurbished Lord Holme Library is an exceptional space where staff and students can access information, read for pleasure or work in a peaceful environment. It is one of the best English language libraries in Prague, housing over 10,000 books, thousands of textbooks, a range of magazines and a photocopier. There are 10 computers available for students to use during the day and 10 laptops that students may borrow for use in lessons. In addition, the library has a large reading room that students can use throughout the day for quiet reading or private study.
The library catalogue, Destiny, is available 24/7 giving access to over 200 e-books as well as a range of subscription databases such as Britannica Schools, JSTOR Infobase and The Day as well as providing links to other free online resources. The Library staff are available before and after school and throughout the day to help students find appropriate resources, books to read or to support students with information searching or referencing.

Are you interested in knowing the possible Pathways through your English
language studies before and after joining The English College in Prague? Look at this interactive diagram to see information about:
- Entrance, Setting & Courses
- Changing classes/moving sets
- External exams in Year 4
- Entry to the IB
Whether teaching native or non-native speakers, our overarching goal is to enable each student to develop their knowledge of and skills in the English language and to encourage a lifelong enjoyment of reading, as well as the confident use of the language on a daily basis. Through the skills of analysing literary and non-literary texts our students become familiar with the use of English in wide-ranging contexts and acquire a solid grounding in academic english and the ability to produce well-crafted written texts for a variety of purposes and audiences.
We offer comprehensive English support to all our non-native speakers. We assess their needs when they join the school and support them throughout their years at ECP. All subjects taught in English contain an element of language teaching, as teachers introduce vocabulary, explain definitions, and put the usage of terminology into context. Out students learn to use English with subtlety, accuracy and humour, as well as technical proficiency.

Our new microsite is a vibrant online space to explore the offerings of the Arts Faculty in more detail. In other words, we post updates, inspiration, articles and student gallery previews from Art, Music and Drama. With a burgeoning schedule of events, we intend to provide information through the site on our upcoming shows.
We are definitely keen to involve student voice. Therefore, we look forward to encouraging imaginative and insightful content from ECP’s own emerging actors, musicians, artists and dancers. In addition, this is also a fantastic space to explore the wider challenges, criticisms and current trends faced at present. Our first post kicked off with the question, “Why are the Arts important?” – We are delighted to invite you to view the answer at arts.englishcollege.cz.