Drama Performances

Drama has a unique position in our school. It is an academic subject – students can study Drama at IB level and students in the lower years can take the LAMDA examination, which is a distinguished theatre qualification.

But drama is not just a subject – it is a platform where students develop imagination and discover the power of creativity.  It is very popular as it is open to everyone – not only to those who are particularly talented. This gives any student an amazing opportunity to explore theatre art, to gain confidence in public speaking, to explore different stories and characters, to make new friends, to learn how teamwork is particularly important in theatre or just to enjoy the very special atmosphere of the theatre. 

There are several drama productions during the school year, organised either by the IB Drama students or by the Head of Drama. They take place in various small theatres in Prague or in the school’s Drama Studio.  

School productions are always very creative, unconventional and well-attended by students, parents, staff and friends of the College. One of the performances – a joint production by the Arts Faculty –  is watched by the whole lower school community during school time.

Midsummer Night’s Dream musical

ECP Theatre Hotel

ECP Dracula’s Requiem

FRAGMENTED – Theatre of the Absurd