The Graduation Ball is a traditional Czech social event, which marks the beginning of the graduation process and always attracts a very large gathering of students, parents and friends. It is a formal event held in one of Prague’s traditional ball venues and the dress code is black tie.
Year 6 students usually start preparing for the Ball in Year 5. They are supported by the Deputy Head (Co-Curriculum), the Bursary office and the Marketing Manager. Students always decide on the theme of the Ball, which determines the design of the posters, tickets, sashes and tableau and also sets the tone of the evening’s programme. Students prepare a surprise dance, in which most of the year group is involved and it is usually the grand finale of the evening.
The organisation of the Graduation Ball is challenging and requires many skills. Students have to support each other and work together, developing a good team spirit. Students in Year 5 also help them, which is a very important experience for the organisation of their own Graduation Ball the following year.
The Graduation Ball is not only a highlight for the graduating year and their families, but also for Year 1 students and their families, as they are officially welcomed to the College.