The access link for the concert is here:
For the sixth year in a row, a group of students, ECP scholars led by Mrs Švejdová, has been working on raising funds for the Václav Havel Scholarship, which is intended for a Roma student.
Every year, the team prepares a benefit concert, an auction and a Roma Awareness Week, thanks to which our students gain better knowledge of the Roma community.
New initiative
The work on all related events was thwarted by coronavirus last year. However, the students were not discouraged and continued to work for this cause throughout the year. Instead of a concert and auction, they prepared an arts competition for Roma children called Tříkrát co. Thanks to the competition, they managed to get not only pictures for the planned auction but also valuable contacts. The competition has thus become a new tradition.
The first scholarship holder Marek Horváth, who graduated from The English College in 2018. He spoke very nicely about the scholarship via Romea organisation here. At the end of the interview, he invited potential applicants for the Václav Havel Scholarship not to be afraid and to apply to study at our school.
Concert programme
Students have also created a new website for the scholarship available in Czech as well as English language. This year, the scholarship team has decided that despite the current situation the concert will take place, although it will be only in a virtual form. The students addressed a number of Roma musicians – known as well as unknown ones. They also contacted important personalities of the Roma community and the outcome is an hour-long programme where ECP students will perform as well.

The students have expanded the Roma Awareness Week to include a Cultural Diversity Week. This move has enabled them to prepare a programme focusing on the issue of integrating different groups into the majority society in greater depth. Students will have an opportunity to discuss positive discrimination in a debate. Other activities for students will include Angeline Aow’s lecture on diversity in education and a showing of the film Girl on a mission.
The week will culminate with the aforementioned concert. We hope it will bring great satisfaction to the entire Václav Havel Scholarship team for their hard work. We believe that this year we will be able to raise the remaining amount to cover six years of study at ECP. Most importantly, we hope that we will be able to find a suitable Roma scholar. We will be very happy for your support of our efforts.
You are welcome to send any contributions for the scholarship to bank account number: 481831023/0300. Thank you.